Premium quality services
We do our best to ensure that the translation delivered to the client is professionally valuable, embraces specific industry terminology and the language of a given sector, remains faithful to the original, but is also flowing and simply enjoyable to read.
All translations are subject to the multi-step proofreading process. They are first proofread by the translator who translated the text, later by another translator and then very often by an editor. This gives us a peace of mind that we let no missing comma or typo slip by, while sentences and content are stylistically correct.

We are equally dedicated to our clients
Easy contact, swift reaction, understanding the needs of our clients. You may contact us after hours; we work evenings and weekends whenever required. We are committed to building long-term relationships. We want to learn how the client works, what are its needs and which specific terms are part and parcel of its operations. We appoint the same translators and interpreters to regularly support individual clients.

Regular cooperation is all about benefits
As soon as we identify the needs of the client, we compile a dedicated glossary to ensure that translations remain consistent. The better we know the industry and the profile of our client, the higher the standards of translation and interpreting services we are able to provide.

Optimisation of our service costs
In our work we use various technologies to facilitate and accelerate translation and interpretation process, which also contributes to optimisation of our service costs.

First quality standard
Our agency has successfully completed the audit of compliance with the European standard PN-EN 15038:2006 – the first quality standard for translations, and now conforms to the latest ISO 17100:2015 standard.
It’s the first international standard applicable to translation services which replaced the previous EN 15038 standard and became effective on 1 May 2015.
ISO 17100 (Polish version – PN-EN ISO 17100) specifies requirements relating to all aspects of the translation process that have a direct impact on the quality and standards of provided translation services.

What does the ISO 17100 certificate actually mean for our clients?
- we carefully analyse your assignment before we accept it,
- we compile adequate glossaries and databases of reference materials,
- we hand-pick translators in terms of their experience and profile,
- translation is subject to a two-step proofreading process, and is often edited,
- we efficiently manage the assignment delivery process,
- we make sure our clients are satisfied and take corrective action, if required.